When a barcode symbol fails to scan, it leads to what we call a ‘scanning failure’. This ‘scanning failure’ can be solved at the early stages of the printing process, and these mistakes can be rectified before the product is delivered to be sold at retail stores. Therefore, verification has now become an important quality control tool as it helps to ensure the correctness of the number, physical attributes of the barcode symbol such as size, height, location and etc.
Benefits on verifying your barcodes
Saving time and money
You are able to avoid redesigning, reprinting or recalling your products due to unworkable barcodes.
Ensuring a better relationship with your customers
Retailers are growing increasingly intolerant of products that cause scanning errors as it compromises a customer’s shopping experience.
Trusted Service
As a GS1 Singapore member, you can be rest assured that your barcodes are tested using the ISO-15416 (Automatic identification and data capture techniques for one-dimension symbol) and ISO-15415 (Automatic identification and data capture techniques for two-dimension symbol) verification method.
Verification Report
The report is to provide recommendations to improve on the symbol quality and is divided into 3 parts.
Symbol Specification: The parameters checked are colour, contrast, magnification and light margin, height, bar width, check digit, representation against GS1 Standards.
Print Quality: Recommendations are given on the symbol print quality according to GS1 General Specifications.
Symbol Location:Recommendations are given on the symbol location according to GS1 General Specifications.
Verification Fees
Category | Is the number assigned by GS1 Singapore? | Fees per barcode symbol report (1D) (S$) | Fees per barcode symbol report (2D) (S$) |
GS1 Singapore Member | Yes | $32.70 w/GST | $65.40 w/GST |
From other GS1 Member Organisation | No | $54.50 w/GST | $109.00 w/GST |
Public | No | $163.50 w/GST | $218.00 w/GST |
Please note that even if the barcode numbers are the same and of different symbol sizes, it will be charged separately.
Type of Barcode Symbols for Verification
GS1 Singapore conducts verification for products packages/ shipping cartons printed with the following GS1 bar code symbols:
| | |
EAN-13 | EAN-8 | UPC-A |
 |  |  |
ITF-14 | GS1-128 | GS1 Datamatrix |
When submitting samples, companies are requested to present complete, filled retail pack for each item in order for greater accuracy when making assessment of the bar code symbols in terms of print quality, bar heights, colour, contrast as well as location factors.
For cartons, it can be sent flattened for a complete assessment.
Please kindly fill in the GS1 Singapore Barcode Verification Request Form, together with the payment (by cash, nets or credit card).