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Anti-Counterfeit and Brand Protection Solution


Counterfeit products can harm your brand and deceive your customers. The GS1 Singapore Anti-Counterfeit Solution, powered by the latest technology, provides a simple yet effective way to verify product authenticity using QR codes and GS1 Digital Link standards.

Key Features

1. Secure QR Codes

Dynamic and Secure: Each product is labeled with a unique QR code that is resistant to cloning and tampering.

Real-time Verification: Consumers can verify a product's authenticity instantly by scanning the QR code with their smartphone.

2. GS1 Standards Integration

Global Compatibility: Uses GS1 standards, ensuring the solution works seamlessly worldwide.

Unique Identification: Combines GS1 identifiers (like GTIN) with unique serial numbers for each product.

3. Clone-proof Technology

Dynamic QR Codes: QR codes change dynamically to prevent cloning. Each scan generates a unique response.

4. Cryptographic Security: Advanced encryption methods ensure that QR codes cannot be easily replicated.


  • Build Consumer Trust: Ensure your customers can trust that they are purchasing genuine products.
  • Protect Your Brand: Safeguard your brand reputation and revenue by preventing counterfeit products.
  • Easy Implementation: Integrate with existing packaging and supply chain processes with minimal disruption.
  • Regulatory Compliance: Meet global anti-counterfeit and traceability regulations effortlessly.

Protect your products with the GS1 Singapore Anti-Counterfeit Solution powered by the latest technology. With secure QR codes and real-time verification, ensure your customers always receive genuine products.

To Get Getting Started

Consultation: Contact GS1 Singapore to discuss your needs.

Contact Us

For more information on how the GS1 Singapore’s Anti-Counterfeit Solution can protect your brand, contact us at: