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Automated Vision Inspection with Neurocle Deep Learning Software

October 24, 2021

Article Courtesy of Zincode Technologies

In today’s drive for automation and cost saving measures, Zincode Technologies Pte Ltd would like to introduce to Neurocle Deep Learning Software. Designed for the mass working population, Deep Learning implementations are now easily accessible and implemented.

The software offers flexibility in hardware where users can choose or use their own suitable brands of camera and PCs. You can now prevent over-investing in your project.

Also being part of the IOT (Internet of things) movement, users can also develop deep learning modules over the ease of browser. Software computability issues are now things of the past. 

One of the modules offered by Neurocle is the Classification Module. The module will analyse the image capture based on software-trained algorithm. It will conclude the analysis with a single output. Such a module is simple, powerful and caters to industries’ needs.

One such example would be the judging of ART Kit Packaging and Test Results.

Below are the videos:

ART Kit Packaging Test

ART Kit Result Test

You could find out more about Neurocle Deep Learning with this link.

Register for a free webinar (with live demo of software and samples) to find out more!